In the heart of Tamil Nadu, nestled amidst the serene village of Surutapalli in Chittoor district, lies a hidden gem that embodies the essence of peace and spirituality—the Palli Kondeswara Swamy Temple. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, this temple stands out for its unique depiction of the deity in a reclining posture, known as Pallikondeswarar, a rare … Read More

Visit us at for authentic gemstones and Rudraksha beads.On the third day of Navaratri, we worship Goddess Chandraghanta, the third manifestation of Maa Durga. Known for her warrior-like posture, Chandraghanta represents courage, strength, and the power to dispel all evil. She is depicted with a crescent moon (Chandra) on her foreh… Read More

Introduction to the World of PearlsPearls have a magic about them; they’re more than just a shiny object you wear. For centuries, they’ve meant something special across the world, symbolizing purity, wisdom, and wealth. Imagine diving deep into the ocean, finding an oyster, and inside, there’s this perfect, gleaming pearl. That’s a kind of … Read More

Discover Ruby’s Enchantment with Rudratree, Your Family’s Gemstone Specialist in Bangalore Since our inception in 1923, RudraTree has been on a divine mission, rooted deeply in devotion and spirituality, to provide generations with the finest and original gemstones. Rudratree, located in the center of Bangalore, is more than simply a store; i… Read More

Rudratree Rudraksha and Gemstones is honoured for its one hundred-year history of supplying genuine, potent gemstones extracted from its own mines in Sri Lanka. Ruby, among the aforementioned precious gems, distinguishes itself through its vivid red coloration and profound astrological implications. Ruby, which is frequently referred to as the “K… Read More